For non-urgent repair requests:
- Log into your Rentec account
- Click on “repairs” on top menu bar
- Click “Report an issue”
- Write the short description (informative title for the repair person)
- Write the detailed description with clear info on the exact location of issue, how long it has been an issue, any steps you have taken to resolve the issue, etc.
- Attach photos if they will be helpful to the repair person who comes to your apt
Non-urgent requests are NOT safety hazards and will NOT cause damage if they are fixed in a couple days. Examples of non-urgent requests include flickering lights, doors that are hard to close, a faucet that is dripping a little, and loss of electricity in one outlet (check the “Good to Know” page you were sent in case there is info on resetting the circuit for your apt).
Urgent requests ARE safety hazards and/or will cause damage if not addressed within a couple hours. Examples of urgent requests include no heat during the heating season, an exterior door that will not lock, and a leak or overflow that is causing damage.
Always call the fire department or police or 911 first if there is a serious issue that they address.
For urgent repair requests and/or concerns, call and text Mike Ernest at 607-331-5005. Tell him your name, address and apt number as well as the issue. He will NOT have your phone number saved in his phone.
Locked out? If you know where your key is, please go back and get it. If you have a housemate, call them to see when they’ll be home to let you in. Unfortunately our staff is not available to unlock your door 24/7. Ace Security is on call 24/7, and you can reach them at 607-273-8840. They will charge you at least $65 to unlock your door.
Prevent lockouts. Make a copy of your key(s) and hide it unlabeled in a place no one else will find it near your apt. Make a note of where you hid them so you don’t forget. Set it up as a contact in your phone, etc. Agway, Home Depot, Lowes, and The Commons Market are some places that copy keys.
Clogged toilet? Don’t flush! It will overflow and potentially cause 100s of dollars of damage. Watch this video and use a plunger first. And please do not use chemicals to unclog drains. If you put wipes or something other than toilet paper or human waste in the toilet, that is probably the issue. And it’s time to stop doing that. Text Mike if the toilet is not usable.
Chirping smoke detector or CO2 detector? Please put a new battery in it unless it says “10 year alarm” on it. If the beeping continues, submit a request to have the alarm replaced. Please do not disable and ignore it and go without a smoke detector or CO2 detector. That is not safe. More info here:
Light went out? Turn off the switch and put a new lightbulb in. If that does not work, submit a request for us to trouble shoot the light fixture.
Multiple lights or outlets went out? You probably overloaded the circuit. Notice what you had using electricity simultaneously when it happened. Go to the “Good to Know” page for your house and see if there are instructions on resetting the circuit breaker. If your fridge is on that circuit, it is urgent. If the repair can wait a couple days, submit a repair request.
No electricity in the whole house? It’s probably a NYSEG outage: 1-800-572-1111
No water in the whole house? It may be city maintenance. This is often during regular business hours. You can check: 607-272-1718
Smell gas? It may be another building nearby. Call NYSEG gas emergency to see if it has already been reported: 1-800-572-1121 and let maintenance know too.