Contact: Who to Call if you Need Something

Call us: 607-261-1949

Email us:

For URGENT requests that are safety hazards and/or will cause damage if not addressed within a couple hours (ex: no heat in winter, overflowing toilet, etc), call and text Mike and include your name and address: 607-331-5005

For non-urgent repair requests (ex: dripping faucet, etc) please submit a repair request in your Rentec portal.

Always call the fire department or police or 911 first if there is a serious issue that they address.

Ithaca Police: 607-272-9973. If no one answers the first number call 607-272-3245

In case of fire: 911

We have had multiple fires in our houses. Smoking materials and candles are a serious danger as well as unsafe space heaters. None are permitted in our buildings.

No water in the whole house? It may be city maintenance. You can check: 607-272-1718

No electricity in the whole house? It’s probably a NYSEG outage: 1-800-572-1111

No electricity in part of your apartment? Look on for instructions on resetting your circuit breaker. Notice what electricity you were using simultaneously when the electric went out and refrain from doing that again.

Smell gas? It may be another building nearby. Call NYSEG gas emergency to see if it has already been reported: 1-800-572-1121 and let maintenance know too.